My dad and I went to visit a long time friend today. He is a veteran and currently lives in a veterans home. I am continually frustrated by how he is treated by his doctors there! They seem to have no respect for veterans and treat him like an idiot, which I can assure you he is NOT!! This man was one of the first Navy Seals. He has shrapnel all over his body from a grenade blast years ago.
The doctors seem bound and determined to over medicate him. It is almost as though they think he will cause less of a fuss if he is over medicated. It just ticks me off. Is this really how we treat our country's heroes? I mean, really?
What touches me best about this cool man is how incredibly much this man loved his wife! His wife was a wonderful women that died about 8 years ago. She had been terribly sick for about 20 years before that, and he took such wonderful care of her. That is what love is all about! This is what the vows mean, "in sickness and in health". These aren't supposed to be empty words and this man in a true example of what that really means.
It gives me hope that love like that is possible.