It is cool patterns and ideas like this that really make me want to get back into my sewing (I want that purse too!!!) I have a weakness for all things vintage and would ABSOLUTELY love to make myself a swing inspired dress. As a matter of fact I have the material and the pattern already. So, what is holding me back? It's a big project? Nope, I want to reach my goal weight first. =) Typical girlie reason, I know, but still!
If anyone lost era inspired clothes like these, all the way back to the Romantic and Rennaissance era this is the website called Sense and Sensibility Patterns, then click on Patterns, to check them out.
I made these from patterns from this website.

I wish I could take another sewing class at the Adult Education Center, but alas, I don't like the teacher.... =( Guess, I will have to hound my mother instead.