Oh, Mr. Maher...do you kiss your mama with that mouth??? See article, Bill
Maher Calls Sarah Palin a Female Vulgarism, NOW Stays Mum, Mr. Maher show.
Why does it not surprise me that NOW is not making a comment? I think Mr. Vadim hit the truth when he said, “NOW really ought to change its name to National Organization for Liberal Women because as far as it's concerned conservative women aren't real women at all.”
I have heard this same thought process in several conversations I have had with people. They consider themselves feminists, and yet they can not bring themselves to offer one word of support for Sarah Palin. Why? Mrs. Palin is the epitome of a feminist. The only areas they really find her “lacking” is that she is a pro-life and conservative. To them being pro-life and a conservative somehow makes her ineligible to be a feminist and not worthy of representation by feminist watch dogs.
Feminism has become irrevocably tied to the topic of abortion, by the feminists themselves. If we are pro-life, we can not in their eyes be feminists. Sarah Palin is everything a feminist should be, but because she is pro-life she is not welcome. It seems to such a clear double standard. In fact, feminism today is becoming a joke.
I think feminism, as it is today, is a travesty that is doing its best to destroy society as a whole. God did not intend for men and women to be interchangeable. We were created with wonderful differences, that if we spent less time fighting and more time embracing, we would be much happier.