Monday, March 31, 2008

A Beginning

I have been wanting to start a blog for awhile. Don't ask me why :) So, this is it. You would think that in honor of such a beginning I would have something deep to share, but I don't. Not a one. Go figure!


Kate Ambrose said...

Hey Andrea!

It's great you started a blog, now we can keep up with each other :)

I love that we both visit so many of the same links (Domestic Felicity, Biblical Womanhood, Tammy's Recipes, LAF, etc.)--I know we don't know each other terribly well, but I have a suspicion that we might be kindreds! :)

Anyways, Dan says hello!


Drew said...


I know! Isn't it amazing?! I think you are right about us being kindreds :)

Tell Dan, I said Hi!
