I got a big chuckle out of this article. So, now it is considered to be showing off to have more than two children?
I am not exactly a "quiverfull" believer, but pretty darn close. I know that sounds radical to many people, but I think we as Christian underestimate God's desire to be a part of every area of our lives, even the size of our families.
On the topic of children and such, I am always shocked to find out that some people don't even know that birth control pills are considered an aborficiant. For more information on BC, you can look here. Most of my girl friends have no idea that birth control pills can cause your body to abort a fertilized egg! And that most other methods, save barrier ones, are almost all aborficants, which in some way or another they can cause (not always) your body to self abort a fertilized egg. I wouldn't take the chance!
And I know some people think, yeah look at her she's 35! If she ever gets married she won't have time to have a lot of children, but believe me if I could...I totally would...in a heartbeat!!
I hope my thoughts don't offend anyone, but this is what I believe. :)
I saw that article, and I couldn't stop laughing. What a pathetic view point (jugemental much, Kate?! :)
We're not exactly "quiverfull" but we believe that children are blessings, and welcome them! We don't use hormonal birth control, only FAM/NFP, which works wonderfully for us, when we can obey it :)
I wish more people understood what BC can really do, to your unborn children and your body!
Good for you for doing your homework and being educated. This is an area I'm incredibly passionate about!
Kate, you don't know how good it is to hear that!! Sometmes I think I am pretty much alone in believeing that children are a blessing :)
I don't know a lot about FAM/NFP, but I have heard about them. I should look into those. It never hurts to have the knowledge and be prepared :) God willing I will need the information myself one day :)
Honestly, the princples of Fertility Awareness Method are important (IMHO) for every woman to know. Charting your cycle not only helps you know when you're fertile, but also what's "normal" for your body, so if something changes, you can have a point of reference.
I plan on teaching each of my daughters to start charting as soon as they start their cycles. Being in touch with our bodies is helpful in more areas than just sex! Our cycles were designed by God, but our society has decided to go the route of supressing and attempting to hormonally alter God's design, instead of learning about it and working WITH the design.
Anyways, I suggest the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" it is incredibly interesting, and not just for women who want to conceive or prevent conception--all women should learn about their bodies!
Oh, and Dan finds it facinating! He's always the one to tell me when there's a change in my cycle, because we both pay attention to it. It's adorable! :)
That is all SO true!!! I am going to get that book. My mother is lovely, but she didn't teach me ANYTHING about sex or women's things :) So, I have learned a lot on my own. This sounds like something every girl should know!!
Thank you!!!!
Andrea :)
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