I chanced across this article about the principal of a high school in Bisbee, Arizona deciding to pass out condoms on Prom Night with the gift bags they hand out that night. Is this not crazy? Some of the parents are very upset about it, but once you put your children in public school you have no say regarding what they are taught in the area of sexuality. This is one of the many reasons I think homeschooling is such a good idea (that is a whole different topic).
One of the comments made was, ""All that the policy of handing out condoms for our youth does [is] condone and indirectly approve the short-term immediately satisfaction…," wrote Chuck and Sharon Tuell in a letter to the editor in the local Sierra Vista Herald newspaper. "Your decision is obviously every short-sighted. We are very disappointed.""
Oh, and guess what? Not only is Bisbee a dinky little mining town, but it is also my dad's home town, yikes!!!!! Things sure have changed, huh daddy?
This just disgusts me. Yuck.
I know, me too! You should have heard my dad when I forwarded the article to him!
Andrea :)
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