I have known for awhile that many types of "birth control" can cause a woman's body to self-abort. I am amazed how many women don't know this, or aren't informed by the medical community (more the latter I think). They are never told that the pills main job is to prevent implantation, but its back up plan is to create what they call a "hostile womb", so that a fertilized egg (a baby) can't attach itself to the uterine wall. Thus causing an abortion.
This segment on CNN should really make women think about the form of birth control they are using.
I think this falls under the category of "What Every Woman Should Know".
Psalm 139:13-14
For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
1 comment:
Yup, it's a serious issue. I certainly don't think that women who are on BC are evil or want an abortion, but it can cause abortions, so why risk it?!
That's why Dan & I use NFP, which is AWESOME and works so well, when used correctly. It also helps you get to know your body better.
I think I need to work up an NFP post soon.
I'm proud of you for researching this, most women just accept whatever their doctor tells them!
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