You see...there was a blurb about Jessica Alba. Don't get me wrong I hate the fact that she is pregnant outside of marriage, but every child is a blessing. Well, this blurb was discussing the rumor that Ms. Alba is having a girl and that she would like to name her Honor.
Quote, "The source went on to say, "This woman was so exited that Jessica is having a girl. She said she loved the name too, Honor, and said Jessica picked it because she felt it was an honor to have Cash's baby. She said she couldn't wait to give it to Jessica this weekend. She asked twice if the bracelet would be ready by then." Press pause. She thinks it's an honor to have a man's baby? What the hell is this? Medieval times?" End of quote.
Okay, that just peeves me. Yes, it's an honor to have someone's baby! This world has turned so amazingly anti-man/anti-masculinity that it is mind boggling. Heaven forbid a woman should actually feel its an honor to bear a man's child. If more people considered it an honor whether man or woman there would be a whole lot less sex outside of marriage.
I can't wait for the day, God willing, that my future husband honors me with bearing his children.
Another example of why the feminists viewpoint gets on my nerves. So, there! :)
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