I have a soft spot for Victoria Beckham and I am not sure why. Or to some of you heathens (no knowledge of the fashion world), also known as Posh Spice. I have been told we bear a slight resemblance, but I am not sure that was meant as a compliment by those that have said it, but since I think she’s gorgeous I will take it as one! I am never sure with some people.
She won best design at the British Fashion 2011 Awards, which is not small thing in the fashion world. The Daily Mail wrote about it here.

I like the fact that she kept her marriage together, even in the midst of a scandal. There was a lot of “did he, didn’t he”, but she never seemed to rise to the bait in the media and took care of business at home and going on to be happily married (so it appears) and have two more children.
I also like the fact that she has been able to reinvent herself. She was a middle glass girl from in Essex, who became a worldwide sensation as a part of Spice Girls. Don’t try to deny it, they were big! lol I didn’t really like them from a musical standpoint, or from a feminist “girl power” angle, since I am not a feminist. She went from Spice Girls, to solo career, which was just okay, married David Beckham and proudly became Mrs. Beckham and branched out into fashion. This is the arena where she has really gotten my attention, as she has become a fashion “icon”.
I think what I like best about her is that she is happy to be Mrs. Beckham and has said in the past that she would trade all else, music and fashion to keep her family intact. That takes quite a woman and I like that about her.
But mainly, I like her fashion style and the femininity of her clothes. I found this blog that showcases her fashions and just loved going through them all! I can’t wait to get the teal dress made by my favorite seamstress on Etsy.com. You can see her fashions here at Heart My Closet. I bought this dress in the deep red and couldn’t have been more ECSTATIC with my dress. She made it exactly to my measurements and it turned out beautifully! I fully expect to have more items made by her as the budget allows.
My future clothing shopping is going to be ruled by quality, not quantity. It is amazing to me how many clothes I have given away as I have lost weight, only to realize that I NEVER like it anyway, but bought it because I felt I had to get SOMETHING. How much money did I waste?!??! Argh!
So, as I am now almost at my goal weight I am working on a plan on how to stay on budget and still build up my scrawny wardrobe in a sensible way. More on that soon.
I will also be posting about more blogs I have found that center around fashion. I am very drawn to vintage inspired stuff and want to share more of that, especially now that I feel like I can wear it more!
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