It’s funny how you don’t change things in your life because you are waiting for something to happen, only to realize that things won’t happen until you change things.
I think that just gave me a headache! lol
What am I talking about? Money.
I have known about Dave Ramsey and his philosophy for YEARS! And I always follow his plan…for awhile, but then I get sidetracked with a job change, "wantitis", or just life in general.
The current financial crisis in this country actually had me thinking about whether or not to just bail on my house, which is so underwater it’s ridiculous and if I thought about it too hard, would probably make me cry. But the fact remains that I can pay my mortgage and there is no convenient out for me morally.
I think part of me has kept waiting to get my debt paid off thinking that if I just waited I wouldn’t have to? I’m single…need I say more? The little girl in me was waiting for a man to come rescue me from myself and my own irresponsibility. I know, I know…grow up girl!! And don’t get me wrong, I am not horribly in debt and it’s nothing that I can’t take care of it I just set my mind to it.
So, what’s the point? Well, I am setting my mind to it!! I have cornered my friend Stacey into being my accountability buddy, am working on my budget and have worked out how many months it will take me to pay it all off. So far, by my projections, it will take me 30 months (June 2014) to pay it off. That is without any extra income, raises or bonuses put to it. Anything extra will go to paying off my debt. I am also going to work as much overtime (30 minutes is all they really allow) as I can. Hey, it all adds up. =) I might even see about having a Garage Sale at my parents house.
I am not quite sure what the deal is. I just feel like I need to get my own house in order and be a truly good steward of what God has blessed me with. Cause the bottom line is that it’s all His money anyway, He is just giving it to me to see how I will tend it.
Pretty sobering when I think about it like that.
Luke 14:28-30
For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he may have enough to finish it; lest perhaps, after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all those seeing begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build and was not able to finish.
I think that just gave me a headache! lol
What am I talking about? Money.
I have known about Dave Ramsey and his philosophy for YEARS! And I always follow his plan…for awhile, but then I get sidetracked with a job change, "wantitis", or just life in general.
The current financial crisis in this country actually had me thinking about whether or not to just bail on my house, which is so underwater it’s ridiculous and if I thought about it too hard, would probably make me cry. But the fact remains that I can pay my mortgage and there is no convenient out for me morally.
I think part of me has kept waiting to get my debt paid off thinking that if I just waited I wouldn’t have to? I’m single…need I say more? The little girl in me was waiting for a man to come rescue me from myself and my own irresponsibility. I know, I know…grow up girl!! And don’t get me wrong, I am not horribly in debt and it’s nothing that I can’t take care of it I just set my mind to it.
So, what’s the point? Well, I am setting my mind to it!! I have cornered my friend Stacey into being my accountability buddy, am working on my budget and have worked out how many months it will take me to pay it all off. So far, by my projections, it will take me 30 months (June 2014) to pay it off. That is without any extra income, raises or bonuses put to it. Anything extra will go to paying off my debt. I am also going to work as much overtime (30 minutes is all they really allow) as I can. Hey, it all adds up. =) I might even see about having a Garage Sale at my parents house.
I am not quite sure what the deal is. I just feel like I need to get my own house in order and be a truly good steward of what God has blessed me with. Cause the bottom line is that it’s all His money anyway, He is just giving it to me to see how I will tend it.
Pretty sobering when I think about it like that.
Luke 14:28-30
For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he may have enough to finish it; lest perhaps, after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all those seeing begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build and was not able to finish.
Really good post, Andrea! Best wishes to a quick and successful payoff!
Thanks!!! =)
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