I freely admit that I barely knew who Miley Cyrus was. I will even admit to going to see her father in concert a bazillion years ago when Achy Breaky Heart first came out...gasp! I have seen pictures of her at events and such and I had NO idea she was only 15 years old. The 15 year old girls that I know don't dress like that. She has been dressed by her handlers (or parents, I assume) to look as though she is in her 20s at least, and even then on the sleazy side. So, when I heard about the latest hoopla regarding her I wasn't that shocked.
It seems that Miley had her picture taken by Annie Leibovitz (see above), who is a world renowned photographer whose photos are known for their strong sexual overtones. Now Annie Leibovitz has taken some amazing photographs of many people, but they aren't usually images that you would expect a 15 year old to want to be a part of.
Apparently, not only was the whole "Miley Cyrus" camp all for the shoot, but her parents were even present when the photos were being taken. Yes, because when I am topless and covered in just a sheet I would love my dad to be there cheering me on! YUCK! You can see from the picture what was taking place at the shoot and they have been quoted as saying, "everyone thought it was a beautiful and natural portrait of Miley." Um, let's see...she appears to be naked, with hair tousled, which usually implies something other than sleeping! She is 15!
Miley released this statement, "I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be 'artistic' and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed. I never intended for any of this to happen and I apologize to my fans who I care so deeply about." In my opinion, her parents should be doing the apologizing. What were they thinking? They appear to be perfectly content to whore out their teenage daughter. Because that is just what society needs...another Britney or Lindsay.
Stepping down from my soapbox now. :)